AGM 2020

Tuesday 22 September 2020

7 pm at the Clubhouse or online

Old Wimbledonians Association Committee

Your attendance is requested at the Annual General Meeting of the OWA to be held as follows:

Date Tuesday 22 September 2020

Time 19:00

Place OWA Clubhouse (limited to 30 places) and online via Zoom


      1. Opening Remarks and Apologies for absence.

      2. Adoption of 2019 AGM Minutes.

      3. Chairman’s Report.

      4. Treasurer’s Report.

      5. Adoption of 2019 Annual Accounts.

      6. House & Grounds Report.

      7. Membership Report.

      8. Reports from affiliated sections and organisations:

        • Rugby

        • Cricket

        • Football

        • Donhead

        • Wimbledon College

        • Sinnott Society

        • Lourdes Hospitalité

        • Scholarship Fund

      9. Election of Officers.

      10. Any other business.

Please send your apologies to by 4 pm 21 September 2020.

Zoom Instructions

To attend online via Zoom then please use the following link to register for the meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The AGM starts at 7 pm but the Zoom meeting will be open from 6:30 pm to give us time to process people as they join.

You will be able to participate in any votes via an online polling mechanism - note that this will not work for you if you join via a web browser rather than the Zoom app or desktop client.

You will be muted when you join the meeting - if you wish to contribute to the meeting then please contact the OWA Membership Secretary via private chat within Zoom and they will un-mute you so you can have your say.

Zoom Help and Information

The Zoom Help Center has a number of excellent articles to help you get started with Zoom:

Quick Start Guide for new users

Getting Started with iOS (iPhone)

Getting Started with Android

Frequently Asked Questions


Members may be either Ordinary Members being former pupils of either Wimbledon College or Donhead or Associate Members being persons generally interested in the activities of the Association - Articles 5 to 8.


Every member shall have one vote - Article 37.

The Committee has decided that voting at the 2020 AGM shall be open to those Ordinary and Associate members whose subscriptions have been paid as at 31st December 2019.

In the case of those members whose subscription to the Association is paid through OWRFC, OWFC or OWCC, voting will be open to those whose names have been notified by the appropriate sports club to the Secretary by no later than 21st September 2020 as having paid the most recently-due subscription as part of the block payment paid by that sports club to the Association.

Where the junior section membership fee includes membership of the appropriate Sports section for the parents, then there will be one parent vote per family.

Any query about a member's entitlement to vote should be sent to the Secretary.


This is permitted pursuant to Articles 42 to 45.

Article 41 provides:

  • Votes may be given on a poll either personally or by proxy. On a show of hands a member present only by proxy shall not have a vote. A proxy must be a member.

  • The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing. A prescribed form is set out at Article 45, alternatively an adapted form is attached to this note by which a member may if he so chooses appoint the Acting Chairman as his proxy and may direct his proxy how to vote on matters where a proxy vote is permitted. In the absence of such directions, the proxy shall be at liberty to exercise his proxy vote at his sole and unfettered discretion.

  • Proxies, duly signed, must be sent to the Secretary. Delivery by emailing a scanned copy (to will be accepted, but the original may be required and should if possible be lodged at the AGM. Proxies must be received by no later than 7 pm on Monday 21st September 2020.

  • Any proxy received later than this shall not be valid.

AGM 2019 Minutes (Draft)

OWA AGM 11 June 2019 - Minutes (Draft).pdf

Chairman's Report

AGM 2020_ Chairman's Report.pdf

Chairman's Vision

Outgoing Chairman Julian Agostini's vision for the future of the Association

AGM 2020_ Chairman's Vision.pdf

Treasurer's Report

This has been emailed to members

Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2019 (Unaudited)

Unaudited Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2019.pdf

House & Grounds Report

AGM 2020_ House & Grounds Report.pdf

Membership Report

AGM 2020_ Membership Report.pdf

Rugby Club Report

AGM 2020_ OWRFC Report.pdf

Cricket Club Report

AGM 2020_ OWCC Report.pdf

Football Club Report

AGM 2020_ OWFC Report.pdf

Donhead Report

Coming soon

Wimbledon College Report

Coming soon

Sinnott Society Report

AGM 2020_ Sinnott Society.pdf

Lourdes Hospitalité Report

Also see Lourdes Hospitalité for the latest newsletter.

LH Briefing Note to OWA.pdf

Scholarship Fund Report

AGM 2020_ Scholarship Fund Report.pdf

Personal Statement from Michael-Jon Andrews, Candidate for Chairman

Michael-Jon Andrews' candidacy for the office of Chairman of the OWA v2.docx.pdf