News 2020
OWCC Cricket Match raises over £500 for the CLIC Sarjent Charity
The cricket match between the OWCC Sunday Campions and a Wallington School pupils and staff XI raised over £500 for the CLIC Sarjent charity which fights to stop cancer destroying young lives, like that of Old Wimbledonian Sachin Shah who is undergoing treatment for osteosarcoma .
Match organiser Tim Richards with Sachin Shah and his dad Manoj,
The OWCC Sunday Campions Team consisted of Tim, Max Jacobs, Jon Ankiewicz, Hiren Doshi, Jay Doshi, Laurence Ghafur, Joe Bell, Anthony French, Andrew Wijayesinghe, Adrian Dawson, Liam Hearty and Kennedy Warwick (many of whom can be seen above)
By all accounts it was an excellent game of cricket and it was good to see so many of Sachin's friends and OW club mates down at the clubhouse supporting this great cause.
Organiser Tim Richards said "It was a good day and an emotional one for all concerned particularly after Sachi's speech and words of thanks. "
Thanks to all of you who have already given so generously, the Just Giving page is still live and accepting donations if you've not had a chance to donate yet.
Wimbledon College is now amongst the top 10 State Schools as measured by alumni in Who's Who
A recent report released by Keystone Tutors entitled DOES ALMA STILL MATTER? THE SCHOOLS EDUCATING THE NATION’S ELITE which is an analysis of schools featured in Who’s Who and Desert Island Discs finds Wimbledon College in the top 10 State Schools up 30 places in the rankings from last year.
The authors use Who's Who "in the hope that this monumental (though under-explored) resource could present a new angle on schools in the UK. We liked the fact that it measures ‘impact on public life’ in a way that would see alumni recognised even if they would not have shined in an academic league table. We also hoped it would throw out the names of schools that were especially good at adding value: it is not unsurprising when a highly academically selective school comes top of an academic league table but it is more worthy of comment when a less academically selective school repeatedly produces high achieving alumni."
Gold Coast, Australia
Old Boy Greg Barnett (1963 - 1970) releases first solo album at 68
Greg Barnett is an Old Boy from 1963-70, who after a career in IT, retired to Australia, and is enjoying being creative at last.
He describes himself as a 'competent but non-professional musician' and already has two co-written albums to his name: Not All It Seems (2002) and Prescient (2015).
The all-new The Flat White Album is his debut singer-songwriter album and was officially released January 1, 2020. It is digital-only - no physical media are available as it is the equivalent of three LPs. Triple albums have always been an extremely rare event in music, even more so for any solo debut, due to recording time, marketing difficulties and manufacturing expense. But it is available totally free on Spotify and his own website. Please consider giving the first couple of tracks a listen … you may like it … it’s relatively gentle and melodic.
Greg says that ‘creating this album has been the culmination of musical endeavour over a long life. The goal was simply for me to scratch a musical itch, meet a challenge and, hopefully, for other people to hear and enjoy’.
All the music was written, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered at home. He used a laptop to produce a complete package containing the music, website content, logos, sheet music, the ‘making of’ story, ‘karaoke’ versions, and the first few of many music videos.
Conceptually influenced by The Beatles’ White Album, it also has an acoustic approach, 30 tracks, new and old unreleased material, and simple white artwork. The addition of the word ‘Flat’ in the album title refers to his preferred coffee rather than to the singing! Greg’s musical influences include ELO, James Taylor, Leonard Cohen and many others from the 60’s and 70’s. Styles range from unadorned voice/guitar to orchestral.