News 2023

Policy Change for all Saturdays: Somerset Road Gates Closed at 11 pm sharp.

Our good and understanding neighbours in Somerset Avenue have been brilliantly tolerant over the years but, unfortunately, they have experienced an uptick in noise disturbances in recent weeks, particularly late on weekend evenings after closing.

We rely on our neighbours’ support to be able to put on the events that you want (for example those with late night licences), and it is unfair and so damaging when they are subjected to unnecessary disturbances.  It also takes up a huge amount of our valuable volunteer members’ time to handle complaints.   

The OWA Committee has therefore reluctantly but necessarily taken the decision that the gates to Somerset Avenue will be closed at 11 pm on Saturdays (and on other days where we are holding large events).  Anyone still at the Clubhouse after 11 pm will have to make their way to the exit on Coombe Lane.

Consequently, members are also kindly informed of, and asked to cooperate regarding the following:

One issue that our neighbours have complained about is people standing around in the car park entrance late in the evening talking and laughing before leaving.  When you leave, please make your way quickly and quietly straight up the alley to Coombe Lane or down Somerset.  

If you want or need to linger around and chat for a bit, please do that either in the Clubhouse or on the terrace where the sound does not travel into the road.

Many thanks again for your kind cooperation and support.