Rest In Peace

Paul Lippett RIP  August 2024

We were contacted this week by Damien Lippett, who informed us of the sad passing of his father, Paul, on 25 August 2024. 

Paul attended Wimbledon College from 1958 to 1964.

George Munday RIP June 2024

We are sad to inform members of the death of George Munday, who at the grand age of 92 passed away peacefully in Kingston Hospital on 19 June 2024. 

George was known to many an old boy and member, either directly as a regular attendee, or through his two sons John and David, who were both Donhead and College boys in the 70s (pictured at the President’s lunch in March 2024). 

George is also survived by his two daughters, Christine and Veronica.

John Harrison RIP June 2024

We are very sad to report that John Harrison, a very long serving and well regarded teacher at Wimbledon College from the 70s to the early 2000s has died. 

John was also a OWA Clubhouse regular and we know that many members will have many great memories of John both as a teacher and as a friend and he will be greatly missed. 

Black and white photo of John Harrison seated wearing a college tie surrounded by boys in sports kit

Luca Buttaci RIP March 2024

We have received the  utterly heartbreaking news that Luca Buttaci lost his remarkable and courageous fight against cancer on Monday night.

Luca attended Donhead from 2007-2014 and Wimbledon College from 2014-2021. 

Among his many talents and achievements, he was the joint captain of the College’s First XV rugby team and was part of both the 2016 and 2017 National 7s winning teams. He was also a prodigious Warrior, earning the richly-deserved Clubman Of The Year accolade.

Luca’s life and passing has and will continue to affect many OWs deeply, particularly those who grew up with him, coached him, played alongside him and enjoyed fun times together.

We know that you will join us in praying for Luca’s family and friends. 

May he rest in peace.

Christopher John Hodson RIP February 2024

We have received the sad news that Christopher John Hodson who was at the College from 1950 to 1958, died on 29th February 2024.

While at the College Chris was a stalwart member of the Athletics and Cross-Country teams, the first-choice hurdler over four seasons and a regular member of the sprint relay team.

After school he took a Law Degree at King’s College, London, and worked as a Solicitor at the Greater London Council until his retirement.

He was a staunch friend to many and stayed in touch with a small group of contemporaries well into his 80s. 

He is survived by his daughter, two sons and two grandchildren.

May he rest in peace.

John Donovan RIP December 2023

We are sorry to inform you of the passing of John Edward Donovan last Friday after a short illness.  

He was a student at Wimbledon College between 1942-49 and after contracting polio on his 14th birthday, went on to play for the College 1st XV and gain colours in rugby and athletics.

He had an association with the OWA for over 70 years.

He was honorary treasurer of the OWA for several years and was part of the working party that arranged the purchase of the old boys ground at Chessington and later to the Atkinson Morley Hospital site and later to Somerset Avenue.

He was also a stalwart of the Sinnott Society, and started his long association with Lourdes with the Wimbledon College Hospitality Trips.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends, may he rest in peace.

Mike Dallison RIP November 2023

The Old Wimbledonians Cricket Club are very sad to announce the death of Old Boy and Cricketer Mike Dallison. 

Mike left the College in the early 1950s. He had a younger brother Alban (also a College boy and OW cricketer) and sister Christine who married John Cleary, another ex College boy who played rugby and cricket for the OWs. Alban and Chris died within days of each other some 3 or 4 years ago. Mike's wife Sheila died earlier this summer after long illness. They had two daughters Julie and Joanne.

Mike joined the Cricket Club in the late 1950s. He was a brilliant left arm bowler and could swing a cricket ball both ways. Those who remember playing matches with him will attest to the phenomenal control and accuracy he had and the almost magical way the ball would behave when he ran up the hill at the old Chessington ground. He was also more than a useful lower order batsman and could turn a match with a sudden display of powerful cover drives. After any game in the bar he was great company and the life and soul of most evenings with a pint and amusing anecdotes about his school days. While he was still playing the first OW colts teams started and when he had the opportunity he would always come down to the ground to encourage the youngsters. 

In later years he took up golf which he almost certainly mastered with the same enthusiasm and ability. He also used to play darts in various run down Sutton pubs in the 1960s with his good friend and fellow old boy, Iain Taylor and they continued to stay in touch ever since.

Mike was an accountant working for many years for Atkins in Epsom. He had five grandchildren in whom he ingrained a love of cricket and especially the T20 variety at the Oval. He was himself a staunch supporter and a Vice President of Sutton United, watching their home games for many, many years until prevented by ill-health. For some reason he also supported Aston Villa, long before the current Prince of Wales took a shine to them. He was also briefly a member at Surrey CCC.

Iain Taylor reports that he last saw Mike about a month ago when his daughters brought him round to their house. He was in good form even dragging his oxygen cylinder around. He was impressing his daughters with his skill at solving cryptic crossword clues almost up to the moment he died.

He was a lovely man who his friends and family will miss terribly.

Kevin Underwood RIP 9 November 2023

We have received the sad news that that Kevin Underwood passed away suddenly last Wednesday 9th November, aged 65,  in Dubai from a heart attack. He was a great friend of Willie Burke who has kindly provided the following memories of his friendship with Kevin.

I am proud to say that Kevin Underwood was a very close friend of mine for over 45 years. 

I first met him in 1977, it was the Saturday that saw Dunfermline, the Queens horse, win the St Leger. I had been given the tip and passed it on to Kevin whom I had just met through another friend, Ric Barroilhet. Kevin had a sizable bet on the horse and it won at 10/1. Many beers and a curry were consumed that evening. At that time I had a three bed flat in Alwyne Rd and after some time Kev and another friend came to share with me. Kevin was one of the most entertaining people to spend time with. He was natural comedian with a wicked sense of humour, nothing was off limits so he was always the life and soul of any gathering.

Kevin had been 1st team captain at Wimbledon but a serious knee injury had cut his school playing days short.

In the early 80's when the OWRFC moved to the Atkinson Morley ground Kev made his return to rugby. He captained the 3rd 15 and made me his vice captain. Playing for the 3rds was great fun and Kev attracted many old school mates to play with us. We toured Holland at the end of the season and Kev was voted tour captain on the bus to Dover. We played 13 times (inc short festival games). Our record was quite impressive winning 12 and drawing 1. Many old friends like, Groenen, Beesley, Mullen, Needham, Parsons, Gilbert, Doyle, Gaffen, Harkin, Mundy, Srokowski, Roche, Gardner, Hingly, Bygraves and Cunningham were amongst the tourists.

Besides his love for the turf Kevin also loved his golf and no matter how hectic or late our Saturday nights were we would always manage to make the 1st tee at Home Park golf club for a 7 am start. Our regular Sunday 4 ball then was myself, Barroilhet, Cullinane and Kev. We had numerous golf trips abroad, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and the UAE. I was with him the night he met his wife Carolyn and they quickly became an item and not long after were married at the Sacred Heart Church, Edge Hill. Soon after they moved to Dubai and had two sons Ryan and Louis, we spoke regularly on the phone.

Sadly I last saw Kevin for the last time in late summer when he visited London. He had intended attending the Warrior fundraiser  “Lunch with Lions” but was not able to do so. I will miss him greatly.

Willie Burke

Our thoughts are with his wife Carolyn and the rest of his family, may he rest in peace.

Photo of Simon Travers with text 3 January 1956 - 13 August 2023

Simon Travers RIP August 2023

It’s with great sadness that we mark the passing of Simon Travers, who died on Sunday 13 August, aged 67. 

Simon attended Donhead from 1963-67 and the College from 1967-74. One of 6 siblings, he and his 3 brothers all attended the College.

Simon spent the majority of his working life teaching at Donhead, before ending his career at Cranmore.

A fine sportsman, he excelled at Rugby, representing England U19 Colts, Rosslyn Park and Old Wimbledonians, most notably as part of the 'magnificent 7' in 1977 at the Middlesex Final's at Twickenham.

John Ambler RIP July 2023

We regret to inform you that Anne Ambler has let us know that her brother, John Duncan Ambler, died on 26 July 2023 from pancreatic cancer. 

He was born in 1941 and Anne believes he probably started at the College in 1952.

Vincent Poncia RIP June 2023

We regretfully inform you that Old Wimbledonian Paul Hollingworth has been in touch about the sad death of Vincent Poncia last month.

Vince attended the college between 1973 and 1976, and was a popular member of the school during those years. He later worked for Sun Chemical, and latterly before early retirement due to ill health had worked as a Business manager at the Nelson Surgery in Merton Park. 

Vince had been born and lived all of his life with Lymphedema, but always retained a positive outlook, and greatly enjoyed travel and music. In pursuit of this latter interest he travelled the world to see some of his favourite bands, such as the Eagles, Billy Joel, Paul Carrick and others. 

Despite his life long condition Vince displayed the most amazing resilience, rarely if ever complaining or allowing this to inhibit his interests and activities.

Sadly Vince was diagnosed with a complex cancer related to his lifelong condition at the end of 2022, and he succumbed to this in hospital in Bristol on Saturday 24th June. 

He leaves his loving wife Deborah and a plethora of close friends, many of whom were also former pupils from the college.

He will be greatly missed.

May he rest in peace.

Michael Mahoney RIP April 2023

It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Michael Mahoney (Wimbledon College staff from 1972 to 2009) passed away a few days ago after a long battle with Frontotemporal dementia.

During his 37 years at the College, generations of boys will remember him as a caring and knowledgeable teacher of Geography, Business Studies and Religious Education as well as being, at varying times, Careers Master, Head of House, Year Head and ultimately Deputy Headmaster.

Mike’s retirement in 2009 did not see the end of his association with the College. For a number of years he sat on the Board of Governors until, having resettled in Bath, the journeys became too onerous.

Tragically, his longed-for retirement years were taken away from him by the speed at which his illness consumed him and the last couple of years were very trying for his wife, Caroline and three sons:  John, Brian and David (all OW’s). Our thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families.

May he rest in peace.

Tony Coates RIP December 2022

We have recently learned of the death in the USA of Tony Coates who was at The College in the early to mid-1950s. 

He was an outstanding sportsman at both cricket and rugby and he played for both OWRFC and OWCC on leaving school and prior to emigrating. He had a scintillating career as an academic as a Geologist. His career took him all over the world and an early destination was Jamaica where, in addition to lecturing in geology at the University of Jamaica for several years he played rugby for Jamaica and played cricket with Sir Frank Worrell. 

He was an outstanding sportsman at both cricket and rugby and he Most of his career was spent in the USA but he did spend time as Visiting Senior Lecturer at Kings College London and also as Visiting Professor at Wolfson College Oxford, as well as in Paris. For most of his career he taught at George Washington University and subsequently became Director of Research Programmes, Roving Ambassador and Senior Scientific Emeritus at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. He was a remarkable man and it is well worth searching for "Anthony G Coates, Washington" on the internet to find out more about him and his life.

His death follows on from that a couple of months ago of his younger brother, Phil, also an OW who had emigrated to and made his career in the USA. May they rest in peace.

Walter (Wally) Close RIP December 2022

We have recently the sad news of the death last Tuesday of Wally Close aged 90, an OW from the 1940s, the eldest of 3 sporting brothers, all of whom represented both the College and the Old Boys at cricket and rugby. 

Wally made his career in the RAF which he also represented with distinction on the sports field.

His son Andrew is interested in tracking down the words to a song Walter has been singing recently:

Interestingly, he was recently signing a song to my mother and brother that he remembered that had been written by Fernand Laloux when he was the Music master at the College. I have attached a copy as Dad remembered it, but it would be interesting to see if anyone actually has all the words

See the image accompanying this article, please get in touch if you do have a copy of the complete lyric

Written by Fernand Laloux – Choir Master & Music Director, Sacred Heart Church, SW19 and Music Director of Wimbledon College. 

John McPartlin RIP November 2022

It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of John who died on Monday 14 November 2022, aged 85. 

John attended the College from 1947-55 before going on to Brasenose College, Oxford, and the London Hospital Medical College. He died, peacefully, surrounded by his family, in the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, where he had worked for many years as a Consultant Surgeon.

John is survived by his wife Sarah (daughter of Walter Wright and sister of Andrew Wright who both attended the College), his seven children, Fiona, David, Gregory, Hamish, Kate, Andrew and Christopher and his 14 grandchildren..

A Tribute to Mike and Margaret Parsons On The Occasion of Mike’s Funeral 26th October 2022 

It is a great privilege today on behalf of the old Wimbledonians to be able to say a few words about Mike. However, it would not be right to talk just about him when both he and Margaret were such an integral part of our club. So, this address is about them both. 

Mike and Margaret, M & M, our constant couple. 

Mike played his first game for us in April 1976, against our local rivals Wimbledon. He had been talent spotted at his local pub, the Willoughby in Kingston and came with a motley crew of other “rugby” men and one woman – Margaret. 

At that level, any support is appreciated and, from the start Margaret’s vocal enthusiasm was worth at least ten others. 

We recall that she had a detailed knowledge of the very complex offside laws and was always happy to impart that knowledge, generally to referees, and almost always while the game was in progress. At the same time, she was able to express genuine concern for the referee’s obvious visual impairments : “are you blind ref, that was a mile offside !!” 

M & M finished that season and, while most of the Willoughby recruits returned to their pub, Mike and Margaret came back for more…and more…and more. 

With a newcomer’s naïve enthusiasm Mike took on the onerous job of team secretary for a month’s trial in January 1977. He continued in this role for nearly 10 years, during which time he was made a vice-president of the club.

From 1994-97 Mike became Chairman and President of the Rugby club, a role he performed admirably and one which he took up again for the 2003-04 season.

At this point Mike joined a committee with a well- established secretary – Margaret, who had taken on this role in 1996 and, having also been made a vice-president 2 years later, continued in the job until illness forced her to step down in 2017, only 18 months before she so sadly left us. 

During that time, Margaret became the glue that held the club together. More than one person said they would only be prepared to go on the committee as long as she remained secretary. Margaret brought organisation and method to the committee. She wasn’t bossy but if something was going to be done, it had to be “done right”; and heaven help anyone who failed to fulfil a task they had promised to complete. 

Undoubtedly, her years running the OWRFC and the Shell Pensioners’ group honed her skills for the hardest task of all - keeping Mike under control. I am not sure she always succeeded in that, but she certainly managed better than anyone else could have.

While Margaret was doing this, Mike wasn’t sitting idly by. For years he organised the annual fixture card. He sent out regular highly amusing circulars – every week during the season. He was the deviser and question master for our occasional pub quizzes and the supreme, and sublime organiser for our twice a season, vice-presidents’ lunches. Mike carried on with the circulars and the lunches until Illness forced him to stand back in 2021 – only a year before he passed on.

So, you can see that from the time Mike and Margaret joined our club in 1976 for the rest of their lives they were 100% part of the Old Wimbledonian family.

But that’s only part of the story – we are not here just to appreciate an efficient secretary and a good organiser of lunches. We are here to celebrate the lives of two very special people.

Not only did Mike and Margaret become part of the OW family, but we also became their family. They didn’t have children of their own but anyone here wearing one of these ties was one of their “boys”.

The Parsons’ enjoyed nothing more than their family holidays or, as we called them, rugby tours.

From the early days in Cornwall, Holland and Germany to much later trips to Spain, Portugal and Malta, Margaret would provide her usual vocal support from the touchline while Mike provided the more spiritual kind from the bar. 

They even joined the first ever Wimbledon College tour to Canada in 1983 and have kept touch with some of those boys ever since, some of whom are here today.

Of course, parents never admit to having favourites, but they couldn’t really hide their passion for the rams, also represented here today, and would accompany them on their occasional holiday/tour to Scotland.

As well as family outings they were regular supporters of all the teams and great company in the bar afterwards, Mike particularly happy to provide constructive criticism where he thought appropriate. 

my dear chap. You were rubbish today. Let me buy you a beer”  friendship – banter – generosity. That was Mike.

They were equally happy to travel to away games and Mike was, as always, a generous host when fixtures in deepest Surrey and Hampshire mysteriously always involved a visit to the Good Intent on the way back.

From this and numerous other occasions Mike became known as the man with the bottomless pockets and the never ending £20 note. 

It will, therefore, come as no surprise to anyone to hear that he will be picking up the tab posthumously later on in the Good Intent.

The tributes to Margaret and Mike on the news of their passing were too many to even contemplate going through today , but they all mentioned how generously they gave of their time, their skills, their support and above all their friendship.

So, here’s to our lovely and loving couple, our dear friends, our family, Mike and Margaret,

May they rest together in peace.

Graham Turner

Anthony Everson RIP October 2022

We regret to announce the death of Anthony Everson (OW 64) who died peacefully in his sleep on 18 October 2022. Anthony had suffered for several years from Parkinson’s and later dementia, but his death was nonetheless unexpected.

Anthony was born in 1946, attended Donhead and entered the College in 1957. When aged 12 he was involved in a serious road accident which left him in a coma for 5 days but he made a full recovery. He developed an early interest in ancient history and, after A levels, visited Israel to help with the excavations at Masada.

He studied Classics at Edinburgh University, graduating in 1969, and then taught Latin and Greek at Jordan Hill College there for a few years. He and Jane (a university lecturer and later Professor of Italian) married in 1972 and moved to Worcester where Anthony taught at the Royal Worcester Grammar School and at several other schools in the Worcestershire area.

In the 1990s Anthony retrained as a librarian, and he and Jane moved to Leicester with Jane working at Leicester University. He became librarian at the Ministry of Defence Central Library, a gentlemen’s club and finally at the Institute of Electrical Engineers. All these were based in London and he commuted to and from Leicester on a daily basis.

In retirement he loved to read and enjoyed gardening, as well as supporting Jane and the family. He had a quiet and gentle personality and liked helping people. He enjoyed the company of other members of his College year, attending the lunches regularly held in London, especially over the period 2015-2017 until Parkinson’s restricted his ability to travel.

His Requiem Mass will be held at St Thomas More, Knighton Road, Leicester LE2 3HN on Friday 18 November at 1 pm, followed by committal at Great Glen Crematorium, 9 London Road, Great Glen LE8 9DJ at 2.30 pm.

May He Rest in Peace.

Mark O'Doherty RIP December 2021

The OWA has received today the very sad news of the passing yesterday, 16 December 2021, of old boy Mark O'Doherty after he bravely fought cancer for many months.  

Mark attended both Donhead and Wimbledon College, leaving in 1989 and used to work behind the bar when the OWA was in Cottenham Park. 

He will be greatly missed and we ask that you keep Mark and his family in your prayers.  

Requiescat in pace.

Terry Potesta RIP July 2021

Old Wimbledonian Terry Potesta died in Australia on 12 July 2021 aged 83. He was suffering from cancer. 

Terry was at the College in the early 1950s but moved after a few years when his father, who was in the Army, was posted to Germany. Terry moved to a Services school, Prince Rupert's School, in Wilhelmshaven. He completed his National Service in the Royal Air Force and then received a Regular Commission. 

Over his career he served widely around the world including Cyprus and Hong Kong. His last appointment, as a Group Captain, was as Station Commander at RAF Uxbridge. 

On leaving the Royal Air Force he became Bursar at an independent girls' school in Surrey.  After retiring he and his family moved to Australia and settled in Sydney where he continued with his passion for building and flying model aircraft. 

His wife, Carole, predeceased him in 2016. His daughter, Skye, survives him. 


Desmond Hawken RIP May 2021

News has been received of the death, on 21 May, of Desmond Hawken (1946-1953).

Des was a keen supporter of the rugby club for many years after leaving the College in 1953. He was a regular on the touchline until he moved to St Austell Cornwall over 20 years ago. 

He was a very fine golfer, and was prominent in the annual OW tour to Trevose Golf Course. 

He had a fully active life, enjoying walking the Cornwall Coastal Path until he was diagnosed with a stomach tumour just 6 weeks before he passed away. 

Requiescat In Pace.

Tony Herring RIP January 2021

We were saddened to hear of the death of Tony Herring, old boy and stalwart of the OWRFC for many years. 

The following obituary is reproduced from the Catena which is the magazine of the Catenian Association which is an international body of Catholic laymen.

Kingston upon Thames Circle was saddened to hear of the death of Tony Herring on 30 January.

Anthony Edward Herring was born on 15 August 1936 in Surbiton, Surrey. His father worked in shipping, and when during the Second World War the ships were redirected to Glasgow, the Herring family was relocated to Scotland. At the end of the war the family returned to Surrey.

At 11 years old, Tony passed the scholarship exam for Wimbledon College where he flourished both academically and on the rugby pitch. His tales of school were happy ones, and after A-levels and a brief apprenticeship, Tony took up a place at Imperial College London to  study aeronautical engineering.

Tony continued to play rugby for the Old Wimbledonians, and through the rugby club, over 60 years ago, he met Joy and they married at St Raphael's Church in Surbiton. Tony began his career as a graduate trainee at Farnborough. Mark and Joanna were born and the young family lived in a little house in Fleet.

Tony's work moved to Hawker Siddeley in Kingston. Katy and Theresa were born, and the Herring family became part of St Anne's parish in Banstead where Father Anderson asked him to take over the cub scout pack, a role he performed for many years. Through Church, St Anne's School and the cubs and scouts, Tony and joy made lifelong friends. Long summer holidays were spent driving tractors with Tony's cousin Michael on his farm in Kent.

At  Hawker Siddeley, Tony's career progressed, and he worked on the Hunter aircraft, the Gant, the Harrier, the Hawk and the Sea Harrier. In the 1980's, Tony began a three-year tour in Munich, working on a NATO project designing the Tornado aircraft. This opened up new adventures and horizons for the whole family in Europe.

Life after Munich relaxed into a familiar pattern. Tony's children were growing up fast and off on adventures of their own. Tony could always be relied on to help out, there was seemingly nothing he couldn't fix, mend or make.

Tony joined the Kingston Circle [of the Catenians] in June 1989 and after serving as chamberlain and vice president, he became president in 2001. Tony and Joy were enthusiastic, active participants in the Circle's social life and for over ten years Tony organised the monthly pub lunch.

In his 50s, Tony became a grandpa. he had five grandchildren in seven years and took to being a grandfather with pride and interest, all his grandchildren looked to him with love and trust.

Tony's successful, interesting career culminated as director of Military Aircraft Projects at Farnborough. At 60, he retired and Tony and joy finally had time to enjoy holidays and adventures together. They explored England and France, visited friends and family and spent time with their grandchildren and great grandchildren. Tony loved to garden, and he spent peaceful hours growing vegetables in his beloved allotment, enjoying the company of scavenging robins and occasionally an audacious fox. As time went on, Tony and Joy moved to Tadworth and became active members of St John's parish.

To the end, Tony's energy and passion endured. he was generous with his time, thoughtful and caring, ready to drop everything to help a friend in need. His biggest frustration arose from problems for which he could find no solution, the ones that didn't involve screwdrivers- and for those he had his faith, and joy by his side always, in all things. A prefect team.

May he rest in peace

David Mildner RIP December 2020

We have received the sad news that another great Old Wimbledonian, David Mildner, has passed away recently  in the USA.

Although a long term resident in the states, David stayed close to the College and he generously funded the annual Mildner Scholarship  for College boys wanting to read a scientific subject at Oxford or Cambridge.

His classmate Gavin Taylor has sent the following detailed obituary which gives a great summary of David's  life and achievements, and shows how much he was admired and respected by his contemporaries from the Class of '55.

David Mildner, hailed globally as “Neutron Scattering’s 1st Rock Star” at NCNR  - the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research - has died in Maryland aged 76 years.

David was brought up in Wimbledon and educated by the Jesuits at Donhead School and then at Wimbledon College, a prominent member of the “Class of ‘55” (not the US version with Elvis Presley and other ordinary world rockstars!); he eventually became a very popular and effective Head Boy in 1961, in a then rapidly changing social and academic world. Wimbledon was not then noted for emphasis on or excellence in the sciences, but, independent as always, David won a scholarship to Worcester College, Oxford, to read Physics in 1963, graduating well in 1966.

His family had emigrated to America during the Wimbledon College years, and David joined them after Oxford, in his own words “barely knowing his younger siblings”.  This was the time of the draft for the Vietnam War, for which David was eligible, but fortunately (despite some rarely-mentioned-now commune lifestyle and mass D.C. protest marches) he escaped and subsequently entered graduate school at Ann Arbor, Michigan, working on such would-be Rock Star toys as nuclear research reactors, neutron and proton recoil generators and even a time-of-flight diffractometer.  From 1973 -1977, back temporarily in England, he joined the Science Research Council at the Rutherford Laboratory, worked at Harwell, and contributed considerably to the design of the ISIS neutron source.

Disappointed that so little changed despite Britain’s joining of the (then) European Community, while he had changed so much, David returned to the USA, becoming associate Professor of Physics at the University of Missouri, teaching and continuing his researches, and also able to visit (professionally) atomic research sites in France and England.

For all his life the most “British” of characters, he was nevertheless obliged to become a US citizen in 1989 to be able to join NIST in Maryland, specialising (he once explained) on the characterisation and development of focusing concepts for cold neutrons, more latterly using capillary optics.  He has been able to spread this gospel in France, Russia, the UK, Greece, Portugal, and India often as an International Atomic Energy  Agency expert, as well as working on US Department of Energy review committees  -  it was just as well he loved travelling so much.

He kept playing and then refereeing rugby throughout all these years, formerly a referee in the Oxfordshire Society, and now in the Potomac Society, an activity which in the US involved long-distance, even inter-state, travel  for any game, and consequently a very understanding domestic partner.  David found this in his second wife, Maryanne, a NIST co-worker whom he proudly described as an an artist, a former hippie who went to Woodstock, but whom he had somehow failed to meet during his Washington protesting period.  They lived close to NIST, and even after retirement, David visited, taught, reminisced and consulted there until very recently, still publishing learned papers.  

David’s health and lifestyle was badly impaired by cancer episodes, and then tragically by the onset of Parkinson’s Disease in the last two years.  His beloved travelling was curtailed, and he relied more and more on Maryanne, although his brain was still sharp enough to challenge and rail at fake news and cartoon-villain politicians, at home and in the UK.

Obviously his former classmates didn’t have a monopoly on claiming David as “one of us”  -  certainly, most of us don’t understand a single word written of his  Rock Star status and achievements.  He was, though, and remains, “one of us”, “a great bloke”, “a class act”, in many ways a misfit (such as being a British American, a rugby-pitch Professor, or indeed, a scientific Rock Star) but one who was always welcome, who always fitted in, who belonged among us.

Charlie O’Rourke (OWA 1975-80) RIP October 2020

It is with great sadness that we have to report the recent death of Charlie O’Rourke.

Following a very short illness Charlie passed away on Thursday 8th October aged 58.

Charlie was experiencing a variety of symptoms for a short time and once investigated it was discovered that he had widespread pancreatic cancer that led to a series of strokes. He was hospitalised for only two weeks before a blood clot travelled to his lung and he passed away peacefully.

His wife Belinda, children Sadie, Louis and Josh and many friends will mourn him every day. 

He leaves a very big hole in our lives.  We know that he will be missed by many."

An online memorial page ( has been opened where people can add memories and pictures of Charlie which Belinda and the family  would love people from the old boys to do so.

 Donald Nuttman RIP October 2020

Clive Nuttman contacted us with the sad news of the passing of his father Donald, an 'old' Old Wimbledonian and has kindly sent the following (as well as a couple of photos of the College 1st XV from 1942-1944 which can be seen in our Archive):

Donald was at the school from 1937-44 and became an accountant in his working life. 

From the late 40s to the early 60s he played rugby and (occasional) cricket (2nd XI) for the OWs, captaining the 1st XV sometime in the late 50s/early 60s, retiring from playing when the family moved in 1964 to Hythe, Kent where he refereed for a few years. 

Among memories from his playing days, he was in the same team as the McPartlin brothers; I believe Joe went on to play for Scotland and he renewed contact with John who lived nearby in Kent, as well as Mike Davies. 

As captain, he plucked a very young Peter Ostling from the 3rd XV to play first team rugby, the beginning of a journey as an excellent hooker that led to Blackheath, the Barbarians and the national squad (although I believe he did not actually get capped?). 

If anyone knows Clive or his father and wants to get in touch then please email so we can pass on your details.

Paul Donovan RIP September 2020

We received the sad news that Paul Donovan passed away on Tuesday 29th September 2020. He was 88 and died peacefully at home, with his wife and daughter present.

Paul was at the College from 1942 to 1948.  He was in the 9th Wimbledon Scouts and played rugby in the First XV, including one visit to Dublin to play Belvedere College. He was also an accomplished sprinter.

After following an Arts and Classics choice, he left in the 6th form and joined Shell, for whom he worked until his retirement. 

He then opened a successful art gallery in Cranbrook, Kent.

May he rest in peace.    

Kevin, seen here on the far right, with his three brothers, Brendan, Declan and Finbar.

Kevin Murphy-O'Connor July 2020

We received  the following sad news from Finbar Murphy-O'Connor who was a teacher at Wimbledon College from 1971 - 1977.

My brother Kevin died suddenly on Saturday 11 July 2020,  aged 88, after an aorta aneurysm in Hove, Brighton.

Many Old Wimbledonians will remember Kevin as a keen follower of Wimbledon College and the Old Boys being a stalwart of the Old Dowegian, particularly in their sporting ties.

Paul Layet RIP May 2020

It is with sadness that we have received the news that Paul Layet passed away on the 20th May aged 72. 

Paul went to the College from St. Cecilias primary school and was at the College from 1960 - 1966. He attended the class of 66 reunion lunch last July. 

At the College he was an excellent all-round sports man and he captained the Rugby Seconds and the Cricket Firsts. He was a very pleasant and likeable boy at the College and in life. He captained the Old Boys rugby team but suffered an injury that kept him from playing for most of the season. 

He had been battling prostate cancer in recent years. His funeral is in June and his wife, Elizabeth plans to hold a memorial service at a later date if possible.

The Times published his obituary on 27 May.

The funeral page can be found here should anyone wish to make a charitable donation in memory of Paul or add a message to the Book of Remembrance.  

Times Obituary for Paul Layet

RIP Justin Daurat

We are very saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of Old Boy Justin Daurat, who died suddenly and unexpectedly in April. 

Justin attended Wimbledon College between 1991 and 1993 and played over 100 games for the Old Wimbledonians Football Club between 1995 and 2010, also managing the 3rd team for a period.

‘Jae’ was a very popular member of the club whose passion for music was as big as his Love of football. Many locals may recognise him from his regular stints as karaoke compare or talented singer at the Raynes Park Tavern.

Unfortunately we have very few other details. Please however keep those he has left behind in your prayers.

Damian Woodward

Chairman Old Wimbledonians FC

Bryan Snalune RIP April 2020

The OWA are sad to announce the passing of Bryan Snalune a few days ago. No further details are known. 

Bryan taught at the College for many years ending up as Deputy Headmaster. He became an integral part of the OWCC for much of that time. He was a very canny quickish off-spin bowler who used his height to get loads of bounce. He was a Captain’s dream in tight situations because he was difficult to score off and could keep an end quiet for many overs. He was no mug with the bat either. 

Above all he was a delight to have in the team with a wry sense of humour and laughter was never far away wherever he was. 

In his career after leaving the College he became Headmaster at Bishop Thomas Grant in Streatham Hill and subsequently went on to higher realms in the educational establishment. 

May he rest in peace.

Thanks to all of you for your messages of condolence, these have been passed on to his wife. There will be a private cremation soon and a Memorial Service in due course.