Big Prize Club

Old Wimbledonians Big Prize Club

Have some fun and support the Old Wimbledonians, Warriors and Cricket Colts

We are seeking to increase the number of subscribers to the Old Wimbledonians Big Prize Club, a registered lottery run by the Old Wimbledonians to have some fun and to raise funds to support the facilities for the OWs, the cricket colts and rugby warriors. As of December 2016 there were 128 BPC subscribers: some OW members; some not; anyone can join; all are very welcome; you can have tickets for yourself, children or grandchildren; you can have as many tickets as you wish.

BPC subscribers pay a subscription of £10 per month by standing order. Half of total revenue is paid out as prizes; the other half supports the maintenance/improvement of the sports facilities. There are no admin or other expenses deducted. In 2016 c. £7500 was distributed as prizes. Cash prizes increase in line with increased subscriber numbers.

There are now six BPC draws a year (up from 5pa previously) in Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct and Dec. The first prize in each draw is £1000 and there are three lesser prizes. Each draw is held in the OW clubhouse and the results are emailed to subscribers after each draw.

Please consider joining the BPC to help support the facilities of the OWs.

To do so,

EITHER complete and return the signed form below in the physical post to me, David Doran

OR set up your standing order online, but please email me giving the date of your first payment.

Please MAKE SURE you give your bank the reference shown below (starting BPC……….).

Thank you for supporting in this way and good luck in the future draws.

David Doran

OWA Big Prize Club Administrator (

Big Prize Club Joining Form

History of OWA Big Prize Club

The BPC was started in February 2009 to raise much needed funds to help maintain the OWA Clubhouse.

BPC members subscribe £10 per calendar month to an OWA lottery which has 5 draws a year with 4 prizes in each draw.

Half of the subscription revenue is distributed in prizes and the other half helps to fund the OWA; there are no deductions for expenses of running the lottery. The aim was to achieve a minimum membership of 100 in order that the 1st prize in each draw could be £1000. Since inception the amount distributed in prizes has increase as the number of members has grown.

In July 2012 the number of members increased to 98 and hence made a regular 1st prize of £1000 achievable assuming we can find a couple of new members. Our next objective is to increase the 2nd prize in each draw to £250 and then on to £500 if membership numbers can be increased further. There is a sting in the tail: if you are the 1st Prize winner; rule 10 of the lottery obligates each 1st prize winner to recruit a new member!