AGM 2022
Wednesday 24 August 2022
7 pm at the Clubhouse or online
Old Wimbledonians Association Committee
Your attendance is requested at the Annual General Meeting of the OWA to be held as follows:
Date Wednesday 24 August 2022
Time 19:00
Place OWA Clubhouse and online
Opening Remarks and Apologies for absence.
Adoption of 2021 AGM Minutes.
Chairman’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report.
Adoption of 2021 Annual Accounts.
House & Grounds Report.
Membership Report.
Reports from affiliated sections and organisations:
Wimbledon College
Sinnott Society
Lourdes Hospitalité
Scholarship Fund
Election of Officers.
Any other business.
Please send your apologies to by 7 pm 23 August 2022.
Google Meet Instructions
To attend online, you must complete the registration form below. You will be sent a link on the day to join the Google Meet for the AGM
Google Meet Help and Information
The Google Meet Help Center has a number of excellent articles to help get you started with Google Meet.
Get Google Meet training and tutorials
Members may be either Ordinary Members being former pupils of either Wimbledon College or Donhead or Associate Members being persons generally interested in the activities of the Association - Articles 5 to 8.
Every member shall have one vote - Article 37.
The Committee has decided that voting at the 2022 AGM shall be open to those Ordinary and Associate members whose subscriptions have been paid as at 31st December 2021.
In the case of those members whose subscription to the Association is paid through OWRFC, OWFC or OWCC, voting will be open to those whose names have been notified by the appropriate sports club to the Secretary by no later than 23rd August 2022 as having paid the most recently-due subscription as part of the block payment paid by that sports club to the Association.
Where the junior section membership fee includes membership of the appropriate Sports section for the parents, then there will be one parent vote per family.
Any query about a member's entitlement to vote should be sent to the Secretary.
This is permitted pursuant to Articles 42 to 45.
Article 41 provides:
Votes may be given on a poll either personally or by proxy. On a show of hands a member present only by proxy shall not have a vote. A proxy must be a member.
The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing. A prescribed form is set out at Article 45, alternatively an adapted form is attached to this note by which a member may if he so chooses appoint the Acting Chairman as his proxy and may direct his proxy how to vote on matters where a proxy vote is permitted. In the absence of such directions, the proxy shall be at liberty to exercise his proxy vote at his sole and unfettered discretion.
Proxies, duly signed, must be sent to the Secretary. Delivery by emailing a scanned copy (to will be accepted, but the original may be required and should if possible be lodged at the AGM. Proxies must be received by no later than 7 pm on Tuesday 23rd August 2022.
Any proxy received later than this shall not be valid.
Proxy Voting Form
AGM 2021 Minutes
Chairman's Report
Treasurer's Report
Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2021 (Unaudited)
This will be made available in hard copy to AGM attendees and via screen share for those attending online.
Please contact the Secretary if you are a member and would like a copy of the accounts ahead of the meeting.
House & Grounds Report
House & Grounds is covered in the Chairman's Report above
Membership Report
Rugby Club Report
Cricket Club Report
The OWCC are now streaming their home First XI and Second XI matches on the OWCC YouTube channel. Please like, share, comment and subscribe and hopefully enjoy watching many victories for the Cricket Club.
Football Club Report
Donhead Report
Wimbledon College Report
No report has been forthcoming from the College this year
Sinnott Talks Report
The Autumn Sinnott Talk will be given by the Sinnott's very own Ken Peacock, reflecting on a long and varied career in Her Majesty's Armed Forces.
More details to follow once the date is confirmed with the College.
Lourdes Hospitalité Report
Next year sees the centenary of the College's first working party to Lourdes and they are planning a short pilgrimage to Lourdes to mark the occasion running from Friday 25 August 2023 to Tuesday 29 August 2023. The pilgrimage will be open to all old boys, as well as their family and friends, or indeed any friend of the College and if you are interested or have any questions please email
See the Lourdes Hospitalité page for more details and a brief history of their 100 year association with Lourdes.
They are also planning a Centenary dinner to take place sometime around the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes in February 2023. Details will follow nearer the date.