
There are a variety of people you may wish to contact within the Association, and any number of different reasons for doing so.

Below you will find a list of key positions in the Association and its affiliated clubs and societies. There are also email addresses you can use to send information to the various aspects of this site, like pictures and news.

We'd like to remind our members and their guests that dogs are not allowed anywhere on the grounds. Please do not put our staff or other members in the awkward position of having to ask you to leave with your dog.

Our Postal Address:

Old Wimbledonians Association

143 Coombe Lane

London SW20 0QX

Ground Telephone: 

020 8879 0700 

Chairman       Michael-Jon (MJ) Andrews

 Secretary       Andrew Wijayasinghe 

 Treasurer       Sam Shethran 

Membership  Ross Paton

Clubhouse Booking    Clubhouse Events 

Big Prize Club                Dave Doran 

Lourdes Hospitalite  Peter Chamberlain

Scholarship Fund        Zac Brech

See The OWA page for full list of committee members

Other Useful Points of Contact

Submit News 

Submit Pictures 

Book the Club 


Report an Error/Comment on Website 

Not sure who to contact - submit your comment, query or request by email and we will ensure it is dealt with by the appropriate person. 

If you're an occasional visitor to Wimbledon, from out of town or overseas, let us know when you are planning to visit and we'll try to lay out a welcome mat. 

If you haven't joined the Association, go here to register.

If you know of other OWs who may have lost touch and whose whereabouts you know, tell them about this site and/or let us have their details so we can contact them.